I have been searching for a tutorial for my kitchen containers for a while. All I could find was vinyl vinyl vinyl blah blah blah (I am just kidding I really really love vinyl I just don't like to pay for vinyl and haven't been able to buy a Silhouette yet {sigh} to do it myself). So you can imagine my excitement when I stumbled upon Cathe's post over at Just Something I made. She has taken all of the hard work out of it for us. She went and found the decal paper site (which I looked it up and they charge about a dollar a sheet. You have to buy a pack of them so the cheapest was a pack of ten at around 11 bucks). And then this wonderful woman has come up with the not just one amazing set of labels but FOUR!!!! Oh and to top it all off a great tutorial on how to use it. Like I said she has taken out the guess work. You are going to love this!!!
Let me start by showing you your options of labels she has created.

This one I must say is my favorite and the one I will be using.

Love the green accent on this!

Okay forget the green these match my red kitchenaid perfectly, perhaps I am changing my mind about which one to use......

And last but not least these cuties.
Okay so now what right??? Go to her site and check out the oh so easy tutorial, go getcha' some decal paper, call all of your girlfriends together {since you will have so much paper you might as well share the love}, start printing and start loving your kitchen.
oh and Cathe has asked that you not use her labels for resale.
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