Looking to add a little chevron zag to your home decor. Here is a great Chevron Template free printable from Billie Monster. She has them in different sizes as you can see. If you aren't sure what to do with a Chevron Template here are a few ideas.

Chevron Wall made out of Contact Paper of all things.
Idea and Tutorial are from sabbespot

Chevron rug DIY from Little Green Notebook.
Tutorial HERE

This is from HGTV
Sorry No tutorial but I think you get the idea of how to do it already.
Chevron rug DIY from Little Green Notebook.
Tutorial HERE
This is from HGTV
Sorry No tutorial but I think you get the idea of how to do it already.
Wewt thanks so much for mentioning my chevron template! I love the pattern so much and really need to use it more!
~ www.billiemonster.com ~
Red Polka Dots...One of my very favorites! I just had to stop by and say hello.
Your blog is so very nice and I look forward to visiting again!
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